Which Is The Best Country To Invest In Real Estate? Which Is The Best Country To Invest In Real Estate?

It is undeniable that real estate is one of the trendiest investment industries, with very high profitability. Besides, investing in real estate in some countries can greatly assist in settling in that country. However, among so many countries with different potential lands, which is the best country to invest in real estate? Furthermore, it can be difficult to decide what to buy as well as where to acquire it. Before deciding what type of real estate investment to make and where to do it, let’s refer to the top countries to invest in real estate in today’s article!

Which is the best country to invest in real estate?

Which is the best country to invest in real estate?


Types of real estate investment

Investors must first understand the various types of real estate investment before deciding which country is the best for them to invest in real estate. When it comes to real estate investment, most investors will only think about investing in land plots or apartments, then waiting for their values to rise and selling them. This is partly true, but not enough. In fact, when searching for types of real estate investment on Google, you will see many different classifications; there are classifications with up to 10 types of real estate investment.

Classification of types of real estate investment

Classification of types of real estate investment


There is no right or wrong classification; depending on the characteristics of each type, there will be different classifications. In today’s article on “which is the best country to invest in real estate?” we’ll take a look at these 3 popular types of real estate investments. Include:

– Real estate investment: This type is probably the most popular type of real estate investment because it has high profitability. Even when searching for “the best country to invest in real estate”, most investors are probably looking for “the best country to buy investment land”.

– Residential real estate investment: This type includes investment in apartments or investment in houses on the ground. The advantage of residential real estate is that after buying and investing, investors can fully rent out, use for business, or resell to enjoy the difference.

– Commercial real estate investment: For this type, the investor will own a space for rent or leased by a company or business such as a building, warehouse, commercial center, etc. and industrial and retail real estate will also be included in this group.

Read more: Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam: An Overview

Top 10 best countries to invest in real estate

According to the Global Outlook 2022 report of one of the leading auditing firms, PWC, real estate investment capital flows in 2021 poured into the EMEA region (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) reached nearly 400 billion USD, the Asia Pacific region was estimated at 200 billion USD, and Latin America at about 700 billion USD. According to the report, the best countries to invest in real estate are still developed countries, with a focus on large cities such as London, Berlin, Tokyo, Nashville, etc.

1. United States

2. Canada

3. United Kingdom

4. Germany

5. France

6. Australia

7. Japan

8. Singapore

9. South Korea

10. Vietnam

Vietnam is a particularly an up-and-coming attractive investment destination due to its strong economic growth, rising middle class, and expanding urbanization. The country’s real estate market is also relatively underdeveloped, which means there is significant potential for capital appreciation.

Here are some of the key factors that make Vietnam a good country to invest in real estate:

– Strong economic growth: Vietnam’s GDP is expected to grow by over 7% in 2023, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

– Rising middle class: Vietnam’s middle class is expected to grow from 15% of the population today to over 50% by 2030. This will create a strong demand for housing and other real estate products.

– Expanding urbanization: Over 50% of Vietnam’s population is now urbanized, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. This will lead to increased demand for real estate in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

– Relatively underdeveloped real estate market: Vietnam’s real estate market is still in its early stages of development, which means there is significant potential for capital appreciation.

Of course, no investment is without risk, and there are some factors to keep in mind when considering investing in real estate in Vietnam. These include the country’s complex regulatory environment and the potential for market volatility. However, for investors with a long-term horizon, Vietnam can be a very rewarding investment destination.

Top 10 best countries to invest in real estate

Top 10 best countries to invest in real estate


Is Vietnam in the top of the best countries to invest in real estate?

Although not in the top 10 best countries to invest in real estate according to PWC’s Market Outlook, Vietnam is included in the top cities for real estate investment in Asia. Ho Chi Minh City is the name. This shows that although Vietnam is not on the list of the best countries to invest in real estate, this market is still one of the most promising and potential ones.

Real estate investment situation in Vietnam

The year 2022 marks a period of time when the Vietnamese real estate market can be considered frozen, not only because of the pandemic but also because of a series of negative news stories related to the wrongdoing of real estate businesses.

best asian countries to invest in

Real estate investment situation in Vietnam


However, according to the report from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, real estate is still one of the leading industries attracting foreign direct investment in Vietnam. Nearly 70% of FDI real estate enterprises in Vietnam are large-scale. This demonstrates that Vietnam, particularly in Southeast Asia, is among the top options when seeking the best country to invest in real estate.

Should you choose to invest in real estate in Vietnam?

Vietnam has a young economy with a fast recovery and rapid development. This has been somewhat verified after the pandemic. Since the government permitted the reopening of international routes, a number of tourism and resort industries have benefited. And resort real estate in Vietnam is one of the hot and potential markets that has not been exploited and developed to its full potential.

Does Vietnam real estate have potential?

Does Vietnam real estate have potential?


Besides, according to an assessment from the Vietnam Association of Realtors (VARS), industrial real estate will continue to be one of Vietnam’s real estate investment strengths in 2023, since total foreign direct investment in industrial parks and computer factories reached more than 300 billion US dollars by the end of 2022. Experts in the field of economics predict that this sector will continue to grow in 2023, thanks to the rapid disbursement of investment capital.

Read more: Why Invest in Vietnam? Here’s The Top 3 Compelling Reasons